I just discovered the Blogger app today, which is exciting because I'm addicted to this damn smartphone and now I can give myself carpel tunnel (sp) by typing posts to and from work. Mind you it means you'll have to put up with my shitty grammer and weak spelling, but hey, it's the Internet, baby, no one knows how to spell or punctuate!
I had a brief email exchange with my friend, Sara, this morning. She was my first prom date (I went to 4) and it got me thinking about a possible book idea. This was exciting because I haven't had an original book idea is some time. Oh, I could have been working on a 2nd novel based on recycled scripts, but all of them felt like they should be movies (one of those is my dream script I'm currently rewriting). But this one offered me a unique idea and really had the old creative juices flowing. That's the best feeling when you're a writer.
My phone battery is about to die. Gotta run.
BTW, The Basement Songs book is near completion. Still optimistic for the holidays this year.