Some very nice reviews of BASEMENT SONGS from readers have begun to pop up. There are three over at Amazon, one at Goodreads, and then there is this one by my colleague Ted Asregadoo. Ted and I have known each other for several years, first through blogging, and then as a part of the Popdose staff. We've collaborated on some cool projects (including a Lost/Peter Gabriel experiment) and finally met in 2011 when I was in San Fran.
Ted just got the book this past week and he just finished it. This review appears on his blog, Py Korry.
Please read the review pump up the numbers to Ted's site! Leave a comment it you like.
Ted just got the book this past week and he just finished it. This review appears on his blog, Py Korry.
Please read the review pump up the numbers to Ted's site! Leave a comment it you like.