Jacob has pneumonia again. He has a cough that causes him to double over, shaking his entire body. He's had trouble sleeping through the night thanks to the cough. Well, thanks to CF. A simple cold can quickly turn into something else with CF kids, as it did in this case. But Jake is a champ. Although he's in a lot of pain, he still manages to crack jokes and make us laugh.
I bring this up as a segue into the following announcement: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Great Strides walk for Valencia, CA (which is where I live) will be on May 9, 2015. This post is the beginning of my fundraising for Great Strides.
Here are some facts that you probably know, but I'm going to repeat them:
Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening illness that effects the lungs and digestive systems of people born with it. In people with CF, the body produces a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and obstructs the pancreas.
Because of the mucus in the lungs, bacteria likes to grow and wreak havoc. CF patients often develop lung infections that can be life-threatening. The mucus blocking the pancreas prevents natural enzymes from helping break down food and absorbing nutrients. To date, this has been Jacob's biggest obstacle. But we know families whose children who have to be admitted to the hospital at least once a year.
Every since Jacob was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at ten weeks old we have participated in Great Strides. In those 13 years, our family has raised over $100,000. This is a figure that I'm very proud of, but until there is a cure for CF we will continue doing whatever we can to raise money and awareness for this horrible illness.
Since 2008, we've been making fundraising videos to help support our fundraising efforts. This year, Jake had a really fun idea that required a little more work on his part and help from his friend, Sam. I think it turned out pretty cool, and I know that Jacob was very excited about it \.
Please watch the video. Even though he gets a little "animated," I think you'll see that Jake is one great kid. If you listen closely, you can hear his favorite song by One Republic playing in the background.
This year I'm directing people to Jacob's personal fundraising page. I hope you'll go check it out and consider helping us find a cure for cystic fibrosis. Here's the link:
As always, I am humbled by the generosity of my family, friends and the strangers who are kind enough to make a contribution.
I bring this up as a segue into the following announcement: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Great Strides walk for Valencia, CA (which is where I live) will be on May 9, 2015. This post is the beginning of my fundraising for Great Strides.
Here are some facts that you probably know, but I'm going to repeat them:
Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening illness that effects the lungs and digestive systems of people born with it. In people with CF, the body produces a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and obstructs the pancreas.
Because of the mucus in the lungs, bacteria likes to grow and wreak havoc. CF patients often develop lung infections that can be life-threatening. The mucus blocking the pancreas prevents natural enzymes from helping break down food and absorbing nutrients. To date, this has been Jacob's biggest obstacle. But we know families whose children who have to be admitted to the hospital at least once a year.
Every since Jacob was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at ten weeks old we have participated in Great Strides. In those 13 years, our family has raised over $100,000. This is a figure that I'm very proud of, but until there is a cure for CF we will continue doing whatever we can to raise money and awareness for this horrible illness.
Since 2008, we've been making fundraising videos to help support our fundraising efforts. This year, Jake had a really fun idea that required a little more work on his part and help from his friend, Sam. I think it turned out pretty cool, and I know that Jacob was very excited about it \.
Please watch the video. Even though he gets a little "animated," I think you'll see that Jake is one great kid. If you listen closely, you can hear his favorite song by One Republic playing in the background.
This year I'm directing people to Jacob's personal fundraising page. I hope you'll go check it out and consider helping us find a cure for cystic fibrosis. Here's the link:
As always, I am humbled by the generosity of my family, friends and the strangers who are kind enough to make a contribution.