While you're waiting with baited breath for my next post about music and movies, please take an hour out of your life to listen to the Planet LP podcast that I appeared on last week. The show's host is Ted Asregadoo, a friend of mine from the Popdose heyday. Ted and I collaborated on several Popdose posts, and I've appeared on Planet LP a few times. I always enjoy speaking with him and this conversation was particularly fun. The subject was midnight movies, a phenomenon from the latter part of the 20th Century that faded away with the advent of home video and especially streaming.
I have good memories of going to the local cineplex in the middle of the night with my high school buddies to see cult movies like The Wall, Cronenberg's The Fly, the original Last House on the Left and The Holy Grail. They were bonding moments and we'd talk about the movies for weeks on end. Last House was a particularly scarring screening. If you've seen Wes Craven's gruesome classic in mixed company, you know what I'm talking about.
Ted and I also spoke about our favorite rock films that could be considered midnight movies (although, at 4 hours, the Tom Petty documentary really doesn't count). I would list my films here, but come on, I want you to listen to the podcast. -- Aloha